Building the hydro centre is well under way!

We formally took on the lease for the unit on the 1st November. We chose the unit as it is in a lovely quiet spot, but it needed a lot of work to turn it into a lovely hydro centre. It used to be an old workshop, so we spent a lot of time painstakingly taking down floor to ceiling racking…. With the aim to recycle as much as we could!

Then onto filling many holes, painting…. (We hope you like the stripe as it took a long time to paint!!!) and generally giving the whole unit a clean and fresh look!

Jon then got into building mode - creating a consulting room (which will allow local therapists to have a dedicated space to treat dogs) and a reception area. I decided that it would look great to clad the rooms in recycled pallet wood…. Well, it does look good (atleast I think so), but it’s very fiddly! We have a lovely unit neighbour - Phil Credicott - who has been a total superstar at giving advice and lending many of his tools - the nail gun is a definite favourite!!! I hope Jon gets the hint and buys me one for Xmas!!! So we are progressing - we still have a way to go… sort the plumbing, electrics, new front door…. Etc etc… oh - and get the pool sited….. we’re still awaiting delivery of the most important part of the build! The list goes on….. we’re massively grateful to lovely friends who have helped massively… Jamie, James, Tor, Sarah… to name just a few…. We’re very grateful!

So, we’re still hoping to open at the beginning of December! Fingers crossed! Many late nights and long weekends at the unit are ahead, but we can’t wait to meet you and your canine friends - and see what you think of all our hard work!

This is how it started!

It doesn’t look beautiful yet….. but it will do!

A fresh coat (or 5) of white paint and then the stripe!

This is Jeff - our 7 year old Sprocker - he’s testing out Jon’s very well built ramp… he seems to approve but is getting impatient waiting for the pool to arrive - he LOVES to swim!!

All recycled wood from the racking has been used to build the consulting room…. Even the window was recycled! (Ps the door will be larger!)

Todays job - recycled pallet wood used to clad the outside of the consulting room and the reception area….. the nail gun was AMAZING!!

So that’s where we’re at! Jon’s down there again tonight…. And I’m curled up with the dogs on the sofa…. A whole day of cladding has broken me!!!

Thanks so much for all your support! We’ve had a lovely response. We can’t wait to get you more updates!

Abi :)


3 months in…