What is hydrotherapy?

Hydrotherapy is the use of water to promote well being. Using the properties of the water, heated to 29C, the benefits of hydrotherapy vary depending on how treatment is carried out. Some dogs require gentle swimming or just a float to relieve pain and inflammation. Some require a more vigorous workout to build stamina, strength and improve cardiovascular fitness. Following injury or pre & post surgery, hydrotherapy can allow an earlier return to normal exercise. Along with the support of the water, our qualified and registered hydrotherapist will be in the water too. This way they can assist your dog where needed, great for the young, nervous dogs needing confidence, or for the older dogs needing more support. Being hands on, the hydrotherapist can promote better movement and increase the range of motion of the limbs with gentle manipulation. Due to the non-weight bearing aspect of being in the water, your dog can achieve movement which they may not be able to do on land due to weakness, injury or neural deficits. Hydrotherapy can also help with weight loss as part of a weight loss programme. Our pool is 6m x 3m so can accommodate breeds of all sizes.

Common conditions treated

  • Arthritis

  • Hip dysplasia

  • Elbow dysplasia

  • Patella luxation

  • Cruciate rupture

Pre & post operative treatment to build muscle mass and strength which can help recovery following surgery. Hydrotherapy following surgery such as hip replacement or cruciate repair can allow your dog to return to normal exercise sooner and do so in a safe environment.

Benefits of hydrotherapy

  • Improved quality of life

  • Decreased pain perception

  • Decreased inflammation

  • Increased range of motion

  • Muscle relaxation

  • Feeling of well being

  • Gait re-education

  • Increase in cardiovascular fitness

  • Reduction in frustration for dogs on cage rest

  • Possible earlier return to normal activities

  • Slowing of some symptoms of degenerative diseases

  • Improve mobility issues due to age

  • Degenerative myelopathy

  • Spinal injuries like IVDD, Spondylosis

  • Weight management